Quick Questions
General Frequently asked Questions
Do you have Phlebotomists ?
How Do I open an Account?
How do i use the Portal
What are your turnaround times ?
How do i know when my sample has been tested?
Is my data Secure?
Laboratory Based Questions
We have a large variety or Hematology, Chemical and Immunoassay markers available to test.
Unique profiles can be created if needed.
All tests are posted to us, although there is a clinic you can attend in the same building if you want to come and have your sample taken onsite.
Yes we do.
Its always nice to hear a compliment
please email these over to us at info@bloods.uk
If for any reason you do have a complaint to make you can email us info@bloods.uk
There are a few reasons why your sample may not test well they are listed below
Sometimes issues can arise, an error message could show on a report for example:
• Hemolyzed
Hemolysis describes the rupture of red blood cells, this type of blood sample contamination frequently happens because of improper specimen collection or poor sample handling techniques.
• Insufficient
Not Enough blood in the tubes for the lab to test the markers required.
• Clotted
Cells can become damaged by forcing the blood from the finger. This can be avoided by doing a little exercise beforehand to get the blood flowing, warming your hands with warm water, making sure you are hydrated and letting gravity help by standing and letting the blood drip freely when taking a capillary (Finger prick) sample.
Improper mixing of the blood sample
Tubes need to be mixed with content of the vial by inverting the tube 8-10 times immediately after collection to mix the blood thoroughly. These should be gentle inversions, avoiding rigorous shaking.
• No sample
Some tests need more than one coloured tube for testing, all tubes need to be sent to the lab.
• Unlabeled
Your test kit will have a label enclosed and a lab form. Your sample must have a label on it, this is for regulatory reasons. If your sample does not have a label on It and a form with it your sample may not be tested. This is important.
• Mis matched.
If the information on the label and the lab form do not match. Or if the lids of your tubes have been swapped. The lab simply cannot test that sample.
Too Old
Blood degenerates and sometimes will be too old to test by the time it reaches the lab.
We charge a small fee for markers to be tested a second time if they were initially unsuccessful.
We work to ISO15189 Standards for all of our testing
We are currently applying for UKAS accreditation
As well as working to UKAS standards we are part of NEQUAS & RIQAS external testing programmes to ensure quality assurance.
If you have any other questions please get in touch we will do our best to help